Our two weeks
up in Marromeu was interesting as always. In the first week we assisted with
the distribution of mosquito nets to 649 families in 8 of the more remote
villages. This is part of an Africa-wide distribution jointly sponsored by
World Vision, Food For The Hungry & Oxfam, to reduce the estimated half a
million malaria deaths each year – 70% of which are children under the age of
We flew several groups of students from YWAM primary healthcare school out
to the delta for their practical learning alongside existing rural healthcare
workers, flew medical teams to 6 villages for mobile clinics, did 4 medevacs,
took the evangelism team out 4 days to 2 villages to continue the 'Firm
foundations' Bible teaching program, education team to 3 villages, agriculture
project team to 8 villages.t there are 50 of them compressed into each bale. These
weighed 38kg eac

At each distribution village, a net was set up to show the locals how to do it and its purpose.
Some places were better organised than others, but here at Milambe, village leaders had hundreds of people all lined up in a relatively orderly process to get their mozzy nets.
One of the setbacks of the week was when Mae Chico – one of the education team, was hit by a motorcycle and suffered a fractured leg and a deep gash. There are no x-ray facilities at Marromeu, so I flew her up to Caia for x-ray then back to Marromeu for treatment. She was in a LOT of pain but all the hospital could offer her for relief was panadol!
There’s always plenty to do. On Saturday, I spent the day out at the Nensa YWAM base repairing the solar electric system for the preschool. By raiding components and batteries from other houses, I was able to get the system up and running for them.
We visited 8 villages at various stages of establishing an agrucultural project. Here Toni teaches the association at Mirantone how to rig up the pump. One of the difficulties in many places is the wells are very shallow as the sandy ground caves in easily. Trying to teach them how to reinforce the walls of these wells is becoming an important part of the project.
When everything is hitched up there’s plenty of excitement when the water starts to flow. NGO 'Wings like Eagles' sponsored some more pumps for these projects. Thanks!
One day I ended up with 3 medevacs in the heli at one time. Little Abel was really struggling to breath, so Leanna sent him and his mum out with me to Marromeu hospital. After the first day of IV antibiotics, he had already turned the corner to recovery. Sometimes these interventions seem SO simple, but without our presence there – they are unobtainable to the locals.
Thank you.
For the Mercy Air team.
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