We have been away again on a couple of trips.
The first (large doctor team) trip to
Moz was canceled at the last minute - well the night before anyway when the
Mozambican National Health Director suddenly decided that they didn't need any medical help after all. This was however replaced by another three day trip at equally short notice.
The second trip was last week when we took another team in three planes to work at a hospital in Zambia, one hours drive north of Victoria Falls. Some of the group did medical work whilst others completed various construction and maintenance tasks. There were also a few pastors who attended to ministerial things. One of the pilots wives, Cathy, was able to come along and enjoyed working in the maternity unit as well as driving out to a couple of clinics. Here's a pic of her on baby weighing day. She also did almost 100 ante-natal checkups - sometimes on the floor or on a school desk - 2
nd pic.

We were busy with practical things and one of the most satisfying jobs was building some swings for a church

It is a long story of how we got it but we were able to fly this trip in Mercy Air's new Beech Baron.
Mercy Air team